Delegation of Authority (DOA)

Fiscal Officers are responsible for maintaining signature authority in the DOA module in CFS.

To request access and receive training, please contact Accounts Payable at

Access the DOA Module
  1. Login to CFS
  2. Navigator
    Navigator button
  3. CSU Delegation Authority New
    CSU delegation authority new button
Add new approver who does not currently exist in the module

NOTE: If you are adding a large quantity of lines, please contact us to do a mass upload for you. You will need to complete the upload template.

  1. Use
    use button
  2. DOA Functional Approvers
    DOA functional approvers button
  3. Add a new value
    add a new value
  4. Search for employee
    look up employee
  5. Click Add
    click add button
  6. Upload image of the approver's signature
    upload signature
  7. You must select a Division first
    complete the fields
  8. Select desired function
    select function

    We currently use only Budget Transfer, Direct Pay, Expenditure Transfer, Requisition, Travel Expense, and Travel Request functions.
    available functions
  9. Complete remaining function access fields
    complete fields for function access
Add new authority to an approver who already exists in the module

NOTE: If you are adding a large quantity of lines, please contact us to do a mass upload for you. You will need to complete the upload template.

  1. Use
    use button
  2. DOA Functional Approvers
    DOA functional approvers button
  3. Find an Existing Value
    find an existing value
  4. Search by Employee ID to ensure an exact match
    search results
  5. Verify you selected the correct person, then click the "+" to add a new Dept/Fund combo
    add new  dept/fund combo
  6. You must select Division before selecting the other fields
     complete the fields
  7. Select the function for which you are adding approval authority
    select function

    We currently use only Budget Transfer, Direct Pay, Expenditure Transfer, Requisition, Travel Expense, and Travel Request functions.
    available functions
  8. Complete the remaining fields as appropriate
    complete fields for function access
  9. Upload the approver's signature
    upload signature
  1. Inquire
    inquire button
  2. DOA Inquiry
    DOA Inquiry button
  3. Business Unit must be entered in both highlighted fields: DHCMP
    search fields
  4. Search any way you like...
    • by name,
    • employee ID,
    • by Dept ID & Fund to see all approvers for the combo
    • narrow it down by function
    • download to Excel if you like
      download to excel

      search results
      analyze results
  5. To perform a new search, return to the previous tab
    close window

A signature must be uploaded for each authorized approver (once per person). Each time a document is received, a check is performed to verify approval authority and to compare the signatures. 

Signature Requirements

  • JPG format
  • Should be identical to the signature the approver is using on documents
    • If the approver always signs by hand (not digitally), upload their handwritten signature
    • If the approver always signs digitally, upload their digital signature
    • If the approver sometimes signs by hand, sometimes digitally, upload both signatures

How to Upload

  1. Use a screenshot program to capture an image of the signature (Snagit, Snipping Tool, etc.)
    • NOTE: You can upload only 1 image per approver, so if you are adding a wet signature and digital signature, you'll need to capture them both in the same screenshot
  2. Save the image as a JPG
  3. Click "Add Signature"
    add signature button
  4. Select the JPG file you created in step 2
    choose file
  5. The image will appear at the far right of the header
    screenshot showing uploaded signature
  6. SAVE
Travel-specific Primary Approvers

Each department/fund combo that may incur travel expenses must have a "primary" approver. This applies ONLY to the Travel Expense (TE) and Travel Request (TR) functions. This is for budget approval and is required for the Concur approval flow integration.

The primary Concur travel approver must be the Fiscal Officer/Academic Resource Manager of each Division. Naming any other individual as Primary approver is not permitted.

primary checkbox

If you attempt to check the box and there is already a primary approver for that dept/fund combo, you will see this notice. You will need to uncheck the box from the individual noted on the notice before you will be able to make the new person the primary approver.


Remove approval authority for approver who changed positions
  1. Use
    use button
  2. DOA Functional Approvers
    DOA functional approvers button
  3. Search for employee using Employee ID
    search for employee
    search results

To Remove Only Some Functions

remove only some approval authority

To Remove ALL Authority for Fund/Dept Combo

remove all approval authority

  1. Make appropriate changes
  2. If you are removing authority for ALL, you can start with the first search result. When finished, click the “next in list” button at the bottom (see previous image) to go to the next search result. It is a good practice to always verify the information in the header again to ensure you are removing authority for the correct individual.
    verify header info
    Remove approval authority for approver who left campus

    If the individual left the campus altogether and has many Dept/Fund combos, please contact Accounts Payable to request a batch inactivation of the individual. The employee must be inactive in the HR system in order to use this option.