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Fiscal Officers are responsible for maintaining signature authority in the DOA module in CFS.
To request access and receive training, please contact Accounts Payable at
NOTE: If you are adding a large quantity of lines, please contact us to do a mass upload for you. You will need to complete the upload template.
NOTE: If you are adding a large quantity of lines, please contact us to do a mass upload for you. You will need to complete the upload template.
A signature must be uploaded for each authorized approver (once per person). Each time a document is received, a check is performed to verify approval authority and to compare the signatures.
Each department/fund combo that may incur travel expenses must have a "primary" approver. This applies ONLY to the Travel Expense (TE) and Travel Request (TR) functions. This is for budget approval and is required for the Concur approval flow integration.
The primary Concur travel approver must be the Fiscal Officer/Academic Resource Manager of each Division. Naming any other individual as Primary approver is not permitted.
If you attempt to check the box and there is already a primary approver for that dept/fund combo, you will see this notice. You will need to uncheck the box from the individual noted on the notice before you will be able to make the new person the primary approver.
If the individual left the campus altogether and has many Dept/Fund combos, please contact Accounts Payable to request a batch inactivation of the individual. The employee must be inactive in the HR system in order to use this option.